Sunday, February 6, 2011

Diabetes Super Bowl is every day!

As we sit back and enjoy today's Super Bowl let's be grateful for  health and keep focused on the need for a cure for diabetes!  The Diabetes Super Bowl is played every day for those with the disease and those who care about them! Enjoy the great game and remember it is a game!  Diabetes is more then a game it is a problem for many people who have to live with it.  It causes untold quiet pain and suffering yet it is manageable.  can you name NFL players with it?  Kenny Duckett - NFL - New Orleans Saints; Mike Echols - NFL - Tennessee Titans; Jonathan Hayes - NFL - Pittsburgh Steelers, Kansas City Chiefs; Jay Leeuwenburg - NFL - Indianapolis Colts Lineman; Mike Sinclair - NFL - Philadelphia Eagles; Kendall Simmons - NFL - Pittsburgh Steelers; Ron Springs - NFL - Dallas Cowboys; Hank Stram - NFL - Kansas City Chiefs Coach;
Jack Tatum - NFL - Oakland Raiders, The Assassin; Wade Wilson - NFL  player and Dallas Cowboys quarterback coach .  GO STEELERS!  I grew up in PA!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Diabetes Superbowl!

Go Steelers!  Superbowl adds go for 1 Million per minuet.  Could this $ Help Cure Diabetes?